PUROblog is born

PUROblog is born!
A blog?! …you may ask… but how, haven’t they disappeared with the advent of social networking?
In part it is true, the world of blogs has changed drastically in recent years but has not disappeared, quite the contrary.
But why open a blog of Puro Carmignano?
Because with the Alphabet experience we realised that telling and recounting ourselves, as well as arousing the interest and appreciation of many, has allowed us to become better known to a wider audience, but above all has made us realise that much of the information we take for granted about our world is not as well known or studied by our public.
Opening this new communication channel is therefore the natural evolution of the path we took with the Alphabet where we decided to share our experiences and everything we do every day.
But what will this blog be about?
Obviously it will be about us, news, in-depth analysis and curiosities about everything that revolves around Puro Carmignano.
We’ll talk about honey and the incredible life of bees, we’ll talk about oil, we’ll talk about artisan jams, we’ll talk about our beautiful territory… in short, we’ll talk about all those things that fill our lives and those of our company every day.
Time will tell if we will be able to be interesting and interest you, but above all you will tell us with your comments, advice and also with the right criticism.
We will do our best, as always.
At this point, all we can do is wait for the first PUROblog articles, our new way of communicating with you, which will give us the chance to achieve all those small-big objectives we’ve talked about, in the way we like best: putting ourselves over there.